Scrape Search Data using SerpApi with PHP & cURL

SERP stands for Search Engine Results Pages.The SERP API allows one to scrap data from search engine results and use the same in web applications. It returns real-time results from search engines like (Google, Bing, etc.) based upon the query specified in the API settings. The SERP API is very useful when you want to integrate the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) on a web application.
SerpApi uses Google’s geolocated, encrypted params and routes your request through the proxy server nearest to your desired location to ensure accuracy. SerpApi enables you to scrap SERP data (images results, news results, shopping results, video results and more) from search engines in real-time.
SerpApi provides easy-to-use REST API that returns response in JSON format.
  • Easy integration with your web application
  • IPs across the globe and full browser cluster
  • CAPTCHA solving technology
  • Fast, Real Time and Real Results
  • Accurate Locations
  • JSON Results like Maps, Local, Stories, Shopping, Direct Answer, and Knowledge Graph
  • Legal US Shield and more
Step 1: Get API Access Key
  • First, before getting started, create an account on SerpAPI
  • Generate Secret API Key
Step 2: API Configuration
  • Build the query string using http_build_query() function to pass required params
  • Required: Specify the API Key in the api_key parameter
  • Required: Specify the search keywords in the q parameter
  • Required: Set parameter to google to use the Google API engine.
Step 3: Make HTTP GET Request
To fetch the search data, call SerpApi via HTTP GET request using cURL in PHP.
Convert API JSON response to array
Use json_decode() function to convert the JSON response to array in PHP
Step 4: Complete Code (SerpApi Example)
Here is the complete code to get make SerpApi HTTP GET request with search parameters and get the result data.
The output will be like below:
In this article, we have explained how to integrate SerpApi with PHP and cURL to scrape the Google search results. For a complete reference, see the documentation of SerpApi.