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Read and Write JSON to File in Python

In this tutorial, we will share with you how to Read and Write JSON to File using Python.JSON is commonly used by web applications to transfer data between client and server.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an easy-to-read format for interchange data. It is the text form of a javascript object. The key is of type “string “with double quotation marks and values can be string, number, or nested JSON. Python has a built-in JSON module that accept a JSON string and convert into a dictionary.
Write JSON Data to a File
Now we can use with and open method to create a new file and write content into the file. We will convert dictionary data to json object using json.dumps() and write to file using write() method.
Read JSON File in Python
In the above example, we read a JSON file. In this example, we will read a JSON string and parse it into a dictionary using json.loads()
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