Tech Arise

Export to Excel, CSV, PDF, Print and Copy From jQuery Datatables using PHP MySQL and Ajax

In this tutorial, We will explain to you Exporting functionality with Datatable, PHP, MySQL, and AJAX. Export data functionality makes your web application user-friendly and helps the user to maintain list data. We will cover this tutorial in easy steps to create a live demo to create Exporting functionality with Datatable, PHP, MySQL, and AJAX. This is a very simple example, you can just copy paste, and change according to your requirement.
Before started to implement the Exporting functionality with Datatable, look files structure:
Features of Exporting functionality with Datatable
Step 1: First, Create Database
For this tutorial, you need a MySQL database with the following table:
Step 2: Database Configuration (constants.php, DBConnection.php)
The following code is used to connect the database using PHP and MySQL.
Step 3: Create class
Create a file like Search.php.
Step 4: We will get data from MySQL database and returned as JSON through PHP function json_encode with Datatable plugin options
Create a file like data.php.
Step 5: We will include these necessary Datatable plugin files to load Datatable and export data.
We have define HTML table for initialization jQuery Datatable plugin on this page based on id selector: #render-data.We have initialized export Button by adding 'lBfrtip' into DOM element. We also managed to add and customize Export Button using button json object here. In “buttons” arary, we have passed excel, csv, pdf, print and copy options.
Step 6: Create html file
Create a html file named index.php
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