Tech Arise

Autocomplete Search with Dynamic Data using CodeIgniter and Bootstrap Typeahead

In this tutorial, We will learn how to autocomplete search with dynamic data using CodeIgniter and bootstrap typeahead input. I use jQuery AJAX to call the PHP, MySQL script to read the data from the database and autocomplete dynamically. We will use a MySQL database for the country list. We have provided a full functional demo to view autosuggest search functionality and also can download the demo.
Step 1: First we will include bootstrap, jQuery and Typehead files into head section.
Step 2: Create a model file
Create a model file named “Site.php” inside “application/models” folder.
Step 3: Create a controller file
Next create a controller file named “Location.php” inside “application/controllers” folder.
Step 4: Create a view file
Create a view file named “index.php” inside “application/views/autocomplete folder.
Step 5: Create a js file
Create a view file named “custom.js inside “assets/js” folder
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